Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme (KESP) – Terms of Reference
Position: Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) Adviser
Programme Background
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme (KESP) Technical Assistance (TA) team’s mission is to work at provincial, sub-provincial and school levels to provide comprehensive, flexible and high quality technical support to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the delivery of its strategy and priorities for transforming education services. The TA constitutes a component of the wider DFID and DFAT-funded KESP programme which also includes Sector Budget Support and an infrastructure component.
A new Education Sector Plan (ESP) for the period 2015-2020 has recently been launched, with an accompanying Joint Review Framework (JRF) and describes the KP Government’s comprehensive and ambitious strategy for the development of the elementary and secondary school sector in the Province. It details ten priorities: (i) redeveloping the approach to training and selecting new teachers; (ii) developing a consolidated, needs based, high quality approach to CPD; (iii) redeveloping teaching cadre employment rules; (iv) establishing a sustainable approach to provision of facilities; (v) launching new benefits aimed at children most at risk of educational deprivation; (vi) scaling up partnerships with the private sector; (vii) launching a draw down fund for use in emergency situations; (viii) testing and updating of population data; (ix) developing of district officials’ management skills; and (x) pegging the education budget to inflation.
Purpose of Role
Phase One
To undertake a scoping study of the current situation and requirement for a Teacher Management Information System (TMIS), looking at existing systems in an aim to provide an way forward to create a comprehensive TMIS for the Elementary and Secondary Education Department (ESED).
Phase Two
Depending on the outcome of the scoping study the consultant will assist the ESED in developing the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and background data to procure a firm or individual to develop and build a Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) ESED specifications, and to provide a monitoring role to oversee the completion of the assignment.
A TMIS is an essential data source in the reform process for education in KP. Appropriately linked to other relevant Education Management Information System (EMIS), it will provide a reliable guide to the extent to which the reform process is being successfully implemented, particularly with regard to the engagement of teachers, their support as teachers, their employment and working conditions, and their professional expectations and attainments.
This role will be in two phases with Phase Two only proceeding if Phase One outcomes lead to the continuation of the Project. The person hired for Phase One (1-3, 12,13 below) will not necessarily continue with Phase Two duties and responsibilities (4-13 below), if phase Two is implemented.
The scope of this role will be to assist the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkwa (GoKP) particularly the ESED to identify the extent to which these services are provide, and the how to integrate existing systems monitoring teacher performance and management into a single comprehensive TMIS. One of the key outputs of this work will be to produce a scoping study to outline the current data systems available and the next steps for building, if necessary, a comprehensive TMIS. Secondly the consultant will provide an ToR for a consultant or firm to undertake the development and implementation of the TMIS within the GoKP, depending on the scoping study. Transparency requires that the consultant appointed cannot have a relationship, whether personal or professional, nor provide advice to any firm or consultant, nor participant in the tendering for the TMIS assignment.
Advisor Duties and Responsibilities
Phase one
Working closely with the KP ESED to ensure an ESED-owned TMIS outcome, the Advisor will;
Explore any current similar Management Information Systems utilitised or not for the ESED.
Provide a business case for the requirement of a new, intergrated or collated TMIS system, as required.
Assist the ESED in designing a draft TMIS strategy (including location and the managing agency/department of the database) to align with the KP’s ESP to aid in the procurement;
Undertake such other tasks as may arise in the course of this assignment
Report as required below.
Phase two
Advise the ESED on the legal and regulatory requirements for implementing a KPTMIS, including the desirable protocols needed to ensure controlled access and privacy, to advise the procurement process;
Provide the ESED with models of TMIS and assist the ESED in developing models, if required, to assist in the selection process;
Assist the ESED in estimating the capital and recurrent costing of TMIS vis-à-vis the scope of TMIS for consideration in the financial proposals during the procurement process;
Assist the ESED in recognising the technical expertise required for the construction of a successful TMIS, as background to the selection of a consulting company or person;
Assist the ESED in the preparation of documents related to this procurement:
· ToR
· Request for Proposals (RFP)
· Technical evaluation criteria
Assist the ESED in the selection of a contractor, as required
Monitor the progress of the TMIS construction
Test and quality assure the final TMIS
Undertake such other tasks as may arise in the course of this assignment
Report as required below.
Indicative milestones
Phase One:
TMIS strategy prepared and presented to ESED, together with ToRs November 2015
Phase Two:
Successful procurement of firm or consultant January 2016
TMIS built and tested June 2016
Phase One
• Scoping report covering Points 1 – 3 above
Phase Two
• ToR, RFP and technical evaluation criteria for establishing TMIS
• Report on evaluation panel meeting
• Monthly progress report on construction TMIS
• Final testing report
Phase One
10 days in December 2015
Phase Two
35 days January – June 2016
Location of work
The adviser will be based in Peshawar, with travel to areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Islamabad as required.
Due to the location of this work only Pakistan Nationals may apply.