Monday, March 21, 2016

Pakistan: Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Coordinator Pakistan (M/F)

Secours Islamique France (SIF) is a Non-Governmental Organization of international solidarity based in France. Founded in 1991, SIF is a non-profit and non-political organization that intents to help, to bring relief and to protect the lives of those threatened by natural disasters, armed conflicts or by economic collapse. SIF intervenes around the world through operations of emergency relief, rehabilitation and development. SIF provides its help in respect of the cultural diversity, without any distinction of origin, religion or gender.

  1. Mission

The MEAL Coordinator shares with the Program Coordinator the responsibility for the coordination of the country program with the focus on monitoring and evaluation strategy, not only on post activity evaluation but also in incorporating the operations monitoring activities within the Program strategic development.

As such, the MEAL Coordinator is supporting the vision and the strategy of the mission in line with the analysis of the humanitarian context.

Specific Responsibilities


  • Ensure quality Monitoring & Evaluation of SIF intervention in Pakistan, with a specific attention to promoting accountability to beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders by developing monitoring and evaluation tools and procedures

  • Provide relevant and timely data analysis of SIF project’s coherence and quality – methodologies, objectives, indicators and results follow up – (including database management and beneficiaries information flow)

  • Assist MEAL Officers at bases level through organized internal reporting schedule and formalized processes from Islamabad. Organize field visits on each base on a regular basis.

  • Support the planning and implementation of external evaluations of SIF intervention in Pakistan upon need

  • Capitalize best practices and lessons learned gained during the implementation of SIF programs in Pakistan


  • Produce internal monthly M&E reports of SIF projects progress and achievements

  • Realize reports in accordance with deadlines/ compliance requirements of donors

  • Make monitoring reports as per needs and requests, which recommendations will contribute to measure and improve the quality, the efficiency and the relevancy of SIF intervention in Pakistan

  • Assist the mission in proposals and reports writing ensuring the quality, accuracy and update of information provided


  • Collect information and analyze the humanitarian context in order to identify humanitarian needs. Brief the mission team.

  • Take part to to the analysis of SIF operations database for informing the activities’ orientation in close coordination with the Program Coordinator with the aim of reaching better impact, efficiency and accountability

  • Contribute to the fine tuning of SIF strategy at country level as per the above analysis

  • Participate on the designing of potential responses within the mission’s operational strategy in strong linkage with Program Coordinator

  • Co-lead the design and implementation of assessments missions aiming at feeding SIF context and needs understanding in the country, aiming at the elaboration of new projects and/or continuation of existing activities


Master degree in socio-economics sciences

Field experience in collecting qualitative and quatitative data

  • Experience in project cycle management and donor reporting

  • Ability to work with data analysis software in a complex security context

  • Fluent English *Capacity to work independently

  • Patience and self control

Location : Pakistan


Wages to be defined according to profile + per diem

Accomodation : guesthouse

Duration: 12 months


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