Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Deputy Team Leader - EFSL


To work with others to overcome poverty and suffering


To ensure food security and contribute to livelihoods recovery of the affected population in Sindh.


To support the EFSL Technical Team Leader to coordinate and provide technical oversight to emergency food security and livelihoods programme encompassing cash, agriculture, micro enterprise, livestock, nutrition and advocacy components across three districts.  Monitor the extent in which the programme is meeting its objectives and integrating with the WASH programme.

Managing/ supervising resources within defined boundaries or a specialist area, which may include people, assets and/or budgets.Providing professional advice to senior managers on areas of work covered in their remit.Influences the development of strategy and ensures and supports operational implementation.Develops solutions to diverse and complex problems within organisational policy.Interprets and applies operational and specialist information in a variety of formats from a variety of sources.Flexibility to anticipate and resolve challenges within corporate or divisional parameters, with moderate scope.Decisions are made, with a specialist/ divisional context, to further the objectives of Oxfam and the division with reference to the external HR environment.Impact of this role is significant within the department and division(s), and could have some impact Oxfam-wide.Contribute to and influence operational planning.Influence managers, staff and volunteers in Oxfam and develop effective networks with external bodies.Ensure the ‘hygiene’ factors are performed to a high standard and consistently checked for their relevance and standards.Implement best practice - legal responsibility – employment law, tax laws, etc.  Influences in specific areas.Organise learning and development opportunities for staff to achieve corporate goals•Working with Staff Representatives for the organisation


Post holder reports to:

Staff reporting to this post:

EFSL Programme Officers and Cash Transfer Program Officers



To work along with the EFSL Technical Team Leader to achieve the following:

Technical oversight the EFSL programme in 3 districts of Lower Sindh, in line with Oxfam policy and agreed standards (as per approved project plans).  This includes undertaking assessments, strategising, designing, implementing and monitoring of the programme.To develop the strategy and approach for the EFSL programme in Lower Sindh.To ensure that the quality of Oxfam and Partners’ work is of a high quality and standard.  Where necessary, putting measures (e.g., process guidelines, training) in place to ensure that the quality is high.To build the capacity of Oxfam and Partner staff to implement the EFSL programme.  Areas of focus are likely to include cash transfer programming, livelihoods recovery (microenterprise, agricultural support and livestock support) and monitoring and evaluation.Together with the Public Health team, to ensure the EFSL and WASH programmes are appropriately integrated, particularly in achieving objectives of Community Action Plans.To represent Oxfam at to the coordination meetings as well as to the Pakistani Government as necessary.To standardise and coordinate the EFSL approaches in all districts through preparing process guidelines and harmonised systems.To facilitate the exchange of ideas, approaches and lessons learnt across districts in Lower Sindh.To work with the country-level EFSL Coordinator to document good practice and learning for sharing and dissemination within Oxfam and with other NGOs as required, as well as to prepare new proposals and budgets.To work with others to ensure that EFSL staff are recruited, inducted, trained and deployed as necessary.  To work with project managers to set appropriate individual and team performance objectives.  To prepare sitreps and progress reports. To contribute in preparing final report for donors and prepare operational report for Oxfam.To encourage mainstreaming of gender into livelihoods early recovery programming by increasing knowledge of the staff, community structures and beneficiary communities through trainings/awareness raising activities and incorporating gender data in program monitoring and design.To continuously scan/assess the context, and adapt the programme and team composition as required by the context.In collaboration with the project team, to monitor the impact of our work on the people. The project officer will monitor and report on output indicators of all aspect of our work and also agree on strategy within the programme for monitoring.


The postholder will have the following essential attributes.

Education – A relevant Masters degree with at least 3 years of field experience in the implementation of EFSL programmes.  A technical specialisation in cash transfer programming as well as one of the following: livestock, agriculture and microenterprise.Demonstrated experience in enabling partners in partner-led EFSL responses.Demonstrate very strong leadership and capacity buildling skills and ability to work and build a good team.  Strong mentoring and capacity building skills.  Experience in conducting training in EFSL, including cash transfer programming.Strong skills in interagency coordination and representation, particularly regarding cash transfer programming.Strong strategic planning skills for large EFSL programmes, and experience in translating these strategic plans into workplans.Strong assessment and response analysis skills in EFSL.  Proven experience in designing, implementing and monitoring large food security and livelihood programmes.  This includes designing all necessary formats and training staff in the implementation.Proven experience in monitoring and evaluation, including post distribution monitoring and price monitoring.Ability to be flexible, adaptive and responsive to a continuously changing environment.  An understanding and ability to ensure that EFSL guidelines and toolkits are understood and used.  This includes Oxfam’s Cash Transfer Programming Guidelines, LEGS, EMMA and HEA.Strong analytical and conceptual skills.Strong commitment to social justice, promoting gender awareness and equality.Good communicator in English - both written and oral as well as a good listener.Good community participation skills - PRA and other methodologies.Strong project cycle skills: assessments, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and strategic planning skills.Financial monitoring skills.Proven computer competence.Ability to work effectively in a culturally diverse organisation.  Experience of Pakistan or other areas in South Asia is preferred.

This job description is not incorporated in the employment contract.  It is intended as a guide and should not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be varied from time to time in the light of strategic developments and following discussion with the post holder.

View the original article here


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