Consultant Master Trainers-Trainings on Cutting,Stitching,Tracing & Traditional Latest Embellishment
2.1 Purpose
World Vision International needs the services of 04 Consultants/ Master Trainers (female) who will train women at community level at Jalozai Camp centers for six months for contributing towards the achievement of project objective.
2.2 Objectives
By the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
To build capacities of the targeted group in Cutting, Stitching, Tracing and Embellishments for enabling female trainees to compete in the existing market competitionTo enhance skills of potential entrepreneurs and artisan in production, operation and management of dresses and home dรฉcor enterprise.3. Location of conducting the training
The training will be conducted in four vocational centers at Jalozai Camp Nowshera. Training sessions will be conducted at agreed training centers in each Phase.
4. Methodology
This training is interactive and trainer will directly educate and practically train the trainees on different techniques of Cutting, Stitching, Tracing and embellishments. WVI will provide all prerequisite materials and trainers will ensure to capacitate trainees until they get complete understanding of cutting, stitching, tracing and other embellishments and its production within given time frame.
5. Deliverables and responsibilities of Consultant
Trainings/ Skills will be delivered in accordance with current markets demands. The duration of training sessions will be 6 hours daily. Communication medium for the master trainers will be local (Pashto) Language. It is expected that the trainer will encourage women entrepreneurs to actively participate and enable them to learn the skills through a positive learning environment. Whenever possible, the trainers will address the needs of the trainees, particularly in terms of session schedule and methods. Together with WVI project staff, the trainers will finalize the training schedule that will ensure the effective learning takes place. Trainer will be responsible to keep daily attendance record.
Prior submission of work plan, training methodology and tools in accordance with current practices and standards to be used in tailoring and embellishment training taking into consideration the information given by WV PakistanSubmission of training contents and weekly break up of training modulesDetail and type of products to be prepare during training i.e. Dupattas, shirts, large Chaders, Bed Sheets, Cushions, Table and Floor Mats, Jewelry, Ladies Bags, Mobile and Laptop Covers, Suits Casual & Fancy both, Crochet SleevesApplying a range of traditional stitching techniques to produce intricate designs on clothing, fashion accessories, and home dรฉcor items. Professional embroiderers combine traditional sewing skills with current design and construct embellishments on different items.Ensure the quality of products of orders (of buyers, boutiques, firms etc)Expert in product development, color combination, tracing, all type of embellishment according to market demand and fashion trendExpert in different types and sizes of women and kids dress making, embroidery and accessories as per the market standardsTo provide tailoring and embellishment training in dress designing/ dress makingTo ensure a range of designs by understanding consumer needs, researching latest fashion trends and translating into creativity & innovationsKeeping up to date with emerging fashion trends as well as general trends relating to fabrics, colors and shapesSupport skill enhancement officers to assess and select trainees for advance tailoring coursesMaintain record of costing sheets and technical specifications of each design that is sampledTrainer will train women entrepreneurs in half period (3 months) and after that, production will be started according to the given schedule and rest of period (3 months) will be used to produce quality productsConsider any feedback from WVI, make changes to the training methodology as appropriate, and agreed upon by both partiesTo capacitate tailoring and embellishment group about complete stages (initial learning to designing of products i.e. dresses, dupattas, bed sheets, fancy dresses, embellishment necks (Gala) etcExposure visits of entrepreneurs with successful ventures and linkages buildingTo capacitate tailoring and embroidery groups with different color combination and designsThe training sessions will be conducted primarily in Pashto language. Other languages (Urdu) as and when required may also be considered for the better understanding of trainees.Liaise with the WVI focal person to identify any problems or issues that may be arising and to provide updates on the progressIf required by WVI (due to weather constraints, security problems or other scheduling conflicts) the training days may be shifted to another available date within the consultancy period (including weekends)The consultant will agree to be available on any day during the agreement period and will not agree to any other consultancy work offered by any other organizationsBoarding, lodging and transport of the consultant will be the sole responsibility of the consultantThe consultant will not share and disseminate the information with other organization and/ or for any purpose in any form without the consent of the WVIThe consultant will submit a monthly training report in Urdu to skill enhancement officersIf the given tasks will not be completed within given period then Consultant master trainer will be responsible to complete her tasks in extended days without any payment6. Deliverables and responsibilities of WV Pakistan
WVI is responsible to provide the following components for the successful implementation and completion of training in targeted centers:
WVI will arrange required reasonable location/ space during course of trainingProvide necessary materials and tools for trainingEnsure appropriate number of trainee’s presence in trainingWork out a plan of monitoring of training activitiesProvide a contact person to address any concerns or difficulties the trainers may encounter and to oversee the entire training processProvide any financial agreements that are stated in these ToRsThe project staff will collect progress reports on regular basis from trainersWVI will provide separate contract to each consultant/ master trainer and payment accordingly7. Timeframe
The contract will commence on December 01, 2014 and will last till May 31, 2015 with the completion of all the agreed deliverables. All the final reports and documentation are to be submitted to WVI upon completion of the contract period.
8. Logistics
Arrangements for mobility of consultant would be the sole responsibility at her own expense and will not claim for any financial provision for it from WVI.
10. Knowledge, skills and abilities
At least 3 year experience of conducting training on Tailoring, Tracing and Embellishments.Excellent communication and report writing skills. Knowledge of local languages (Pashto and Urdu) is must.Willingness and physical fitness to work in cultural context and conflict environment.Sensitive to local culture and gender practices in the areas.
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