Pakistan: ADTF Consultant

Experience:7 to 10 years
Job Location:Islamabad
Job Type:Contractual
Department / Job Category:Consultancy
Last Date:14 September, 2014
Introduction of organisation:
In September 2010, 11 likeminded national, International and disable people organizations (Expert organizations primarily facilitating older persons and/or persons with disabilities through their programs) joined their hands and formed Ageing &Disability Task Force to make the difference in the lives of older persons and persons with disabilities in, during and after any form of disaster. ADTF is also working as sub cluster under protection cluster in Pakistan since its inception.
HelpAge international is hosting ADTF secretariat since January 2013 and is one of the founding members. A UK based international NGO working with older men and women fulfil their potential to lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. HelpAge international works with the partners to ensure that people and stakeholders in Pakistan including the government, INGOs, UN, NGOs, media, and academia understand how much older men and women contribute to society, and that they must enjoy their right to healthcare, social services and economic and physical security. HelpAge is actively engaged and contributing in Humanitarian and development sectors since 2005. ( )
Scope of Work:
ADTF’s scope of work also includes awareness raising on specific risks and gaps faced by persons with disabilities and older persons in humanitarian assistance through networking and collaboration with government, donors and other stakeholders. ADTF secretariat also strives to improve inclusive information and information sharing about persons with disabilities and older persons in emergencies. We also understand that mainstreaming aging & disability concerns specifically in DRR is a momentous task, therefore ADTF strongly believes in collaborating and networking with other civil society organizations. ADTF also have affiliate members which are not experts on aging and disability but intends to work on inclusive DRR approach and have also shown resolute to make their humanitarian programs inclusive. There are following vital components of the ADTF's scope:
Technical inputs to humanitarian tools to ensure inclusion of PWDs and OPs in policy level interventions and legal and humanitarian tools.Training and development of humanitarian actors, extending hands on technical expertise to make their programs inclusive of ageing and disability.Developing technical guidelines, checklists, and IEC material on technical facilitation of all the relevant stakeholders.Information management and dissemination among ADTF members ensuring affective coordination on disaster response and planning.Representation of ADTF on various national and international platforms, highlighting challenges and concerns of older people and persons with disabilities in emergencies.Background of activities of Consultancy:
You will lead a challenging assignment as technical expert on disability inclusive drr, to help stakeholders to appropriately carry-out disability inclusion in to their DRR projects. You will be part of small secretariat team and will be in touch with project steering committee for continuous guidance on the deliverables.
To formulate resource kit for the inclusion of persons with disabilities (men, Women, Children with physical, visual , hearing, speech and intellectual/learning challenges) in all phases of DRR projects, in the context of Pakistan, in line with existing developed material to avoid duplication.To develop training modules on the bases of resource kit on disability inclusive DRR, for facilitation of master trainers ToT on "how to include"To facilitate 7 days master trainers Tot on disability inclusive disaster risk reduction for producing technical trainers on the subject.Tasks & Responsibilities:
Desk research on the existing guidelines for the inclusion of PWDs (physical, visual, hearing, speech, and intellectual) in to DRR projects.Compile an outline of resource kit on DIDRR.Present the draft outline of resource kit on DIDRR in project steering committee and seek technical inputs to finalize.Develop a draft version of the resource kit on didrr and share it with project steering committee.Finalise the resource kit on DIDRR.Develop first draft of training modules on the inclusion of PWDs in DRR on the bases of approved resource kit. Underline group activities, and overall content in the modules to be used in the training i.e. existing documentaries/best practices etc.Hold review meeting on the draft training modules with project steering committee.Finalise the training modules.Facilitate 7 days master trainers ToT on disability inclusive DRR for humanitarian professionals in Islamabad, covering physical, visual, hearing, speech, and intellectual disabilities.Make final changes in modules on the basis of lessons learnt.Deliverables:
Printable approved soft version of resource kit on DIDRR.Printable approved soft version of a training modules on inclusion of disability in DRR.Duration and timeline:
The proposed duration of assignment will be 90 days.
Consultant's profile:
Qualifications and competencies of consultant (company, academic institute or individual)
Multidisciplinary background such as master in international development, economics, sociology, and environmental and conflict least 7 to 10 years experience in DRR, modules development, and resource kit development, and preferably with inclusion of persons with disabilities in development planning and implementation.Demonstrated knowledge and experience with DRR policy and programming.Proven strong analytical skills.Experience in developing technical materials (resource kits / toolkit, modules, and guidelines etc).Experience and skills in advance facilitation and/or training of program level staff.Experience in developing curriculum for trainings (preferable for DRR related trainings.Knowledge of the current Pakistan context.Knowledge of relevant computer packages.General conditions:
No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both parties.The consultancy firm will be required to submit all the above two documents (mentioned in the tasks) both in hard and in soft copy at the end of the contract.All the finalized documents will be the sole property of Ageing and disability task force and the consultant will not be allowed to reproduce or share them with anyone without prior approval from secretariat.Final payment to the consulting firm will be dependent on the completion of deliverables (to be specified in the contract) as well as handover notes and relevant data.How to apply:Interested parties should submit a detailed proposal (technical and financial), an updated CV, and include at least one sample of resource kit relevant to this proposed consultancy assignment in separate sealed envelopes, on following address.ADTF project steering committee
HelpAge International
House # 9, Street 32 , F-6/1 Islamabad
The closing date is September 14, 2014, 5:00 PM.
Only shortlisted applications will be given further consideration.
Note: We encourage diversity and appreciate people with diversities to apply

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