Women Medical Officer
Specific Responsibilities:
Women Medical officer is immediate supervisor and Manager of BHU Health Team along with male medical officer. She will provide supervision and leadership to the paramedic staff. She will maintain staff attendance register in her office. She shall prepare and maintain duty roster and monthly work plan for Health Team and organize it in accordance with the objectives set for the BHU to ensure the efficient utilization of human resources available to her.She will be responsible for the adequate supplies of medicine/equipment’s and relevant items for the successful implementation of program. She will establish and maintain effective stock control procedures to ensure efficient utilization of supplies solely for the purpose of the BHU and its beneficiaries. She will also be responsible for the correct use and care of all the equipment’s/medical supplies used by the health team. She will be responsible for monitoring of quantity and expiry date of all medicines/supplies used by the BHU. She shall inform the Project Manager-Health for replenishing the stock, 15 days before the available stock exhausts. She shall practice medicine based on all components of Primary Health Care (PHC) according to its principles. She shall follow the WHO/MoH health management guidelines in patient management. She shall be responsible to respond to the specific health needs of infant/children under-5years of age, women of child bearing age and adolescents.She will create awareness in men about maternal health care including but not limited to advantages of proper antenatal, natal and postpartum care, nutritional needs during and after pregnancy and care of the new-born and the mother. She shall be responsible to meet specific needs of infant health care including but not limited to provide/refer/counsel for immunization, early detection and referral of congenital anomalies/undescended testes, parent counselling on child nutrition and micronutrients (Iodine, Vitamin A, Iron), promote exclusive breastfeeding for 0-4 months and timely and appropriate weaning. She shall promote personal hygiene, safe drinking water (boiling of water through health promotion and health education activities carried out at community level according to monthly work plan and in accordance with the culture and norms of the target population.She will maintain BHU patient OPD records/registers, stock register and other data collection instruments as required by the program for reporting purposes.She will provide regular daily, weekly and monthly narrative and statistical reports to Project Manager-Health.She will conduct/arrange weekly meetings of health team to discuss work plan and work related issues.She will be responsible for building close partnership with the target communities through conducting regular meetings with them on monthly or appropriate intervals. This will ensure community satisfaction from organization and also provide inputs to improve the working of BHU.She will coordinate and build partnership with health and other government department to ensure collective efforts for the improvement of community health. The areas of partnership include, but not limited to, Polio eradication campaign, TB DOTS program etc. She will ensure the accuracy of all information gathered through the data collection tools (patient cards, registers etc) used at BHU and community. She shall perform all additional duties assigned to her by Project Manager Health/ERC/AD DMP.Job Specifications:
Medical Graduate from Pakistan Medical & Dental Counsel recognized Medical College and a Registered Medical Practitioner. House job in Gynaecology, Medicine and Surgery or any other relevant specialty.Must have 2-3 years’ experience of working in community based health programs. Good English, Pashto & Urdu are essential.The Female Medical Officer must be tolerant and sensitive to the needs of religious and ethnic minorities, women and the poorView the original article here
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