Female Social Organizer - NIM
1. Context Refugee Affected and Hosting Area programme has been initiated under one UN programme to improve livelihoods, rehabilitate the environment and enhance social cohesion within communities of refugee-affected and hosting areas. Public services will be improved and policies made more effective by strengthening the capacities of the government, community institutions and vulnerable groups. In this programme crosscutting issues relating to human rights, gender equality, civil society engagement and refugees will be addressed. The positions mentioned below have been created under UNDP- RAA component of the programme being implemented in nine districts of NWFP and Balochistan: 2. Social Organiser (Male & Female ) 1)Under the overall supervision of the Regional Manager and the direct supervision of Social Cohesion Coordinator, the Social Organiser will be responsible for: 2)Conducting Situational Analysis through PRA, RRA and Poverty Score Card in the communities Organising Community Based Organisations (COs) and mobilising the communities for carrying out the project activities; 3)Participating in the preparation of benchmarks and monitoring plan for all the project components 4)Building capacities of Community Organisations 5)Facilitating the communities in formulation of Village Development Plans and conducting Village Assemblies 6)Facilitate the communities in identification of Community Physical Infrastructure 7)Facilitate the community in Project Planning, Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation 8)Assisting in the Training Need Assessment of the potential trainees and participating in the selection process of the trainees for capacity building and Livelihood trainings 9)Participating in monitoring activities against the benchmarks and according to the monitoring plan for all the project components 10)Providing inputs for monthly progress reports 11)Providing inputs for an interim report on the achievements of the project and the lessons learnt, by each quarter
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